Investigation of the economic potential in the field of creative industries in Vienna

This study, commissioned by the Vienna City Council department for EU strategy and economic development, the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and the Vienna Film Fund, is surveying the market, innovation and job potential of the creative industries in Vienna along value-creation chains and describes the interactions between cultural institutions and their suppliers, a field that often involves many small companies.

Alongside a structural analysis of the corresponding cultural fields (the music business, architecture, publishing and literature, the audio-visual sphere, fine arts, graphics, fashion, design, software, multimedia, print media, performing arts and entertainment, museums, libraries and galleries), a cluster-potential analysis will be carried out in three areas (the music business; the audiovisual field and graphics and fashion) on the basis of a company questionnaire.

This overall analysis will include not only the economic market innovation and employment potential of the companies, but also the upstream and downstream areas and the training and research sector.
Recommendations on the future requirements and development opportunities will be given on the basis of a strengths-weaknesses analysis in the above sub-markets, and existing market deficits and weakness will be identified.
This study will represent a basis for future culture and creative industries reports from the Vienna City Council.


26.08.2003 |