Exploitation and Development of the Job Potential in the Cultural Sector in the Age of Digitalisation

arbeitsplatzpotential im digitalen sekotr Study commissioned by the European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs
carried out by: MKW Wirtschaftsforschung GmbH, österr. kulturdokumentation et. al Munich, Cologne, Barcelona 2001.

Price: for free, you will be charged for p&p
Summary: 98pp in german or english
Final Report: 277 pp in english



The study is concerned with the employment opportunities and development in the area of traditional and digital culture in the EU.
Study shows strong employment growth in cultural economy and policy challenges of digital culture. Job increases in the cultural sector have outpaced those in the wider economy more than threefold. While EU employment grew overall by a moderate 1.2 % annually during the second half of the nineties, the growth in recreational, cultural and sporting activities was 3.8 %. The study, carried out by a group of German, Austrian and Spanish economic and cultural research institutes, points out that the sector employs 7.2 million workers, far more than assumed by previous studies. Many of these are self-employed freelancers or from very small companies, working to non-standard patterns, and their number is set to rise further as new digital applications replace more traditional cultural media. Alongside the new possibilities for work flexibility in the sector, however, the study also stresses that already disadvantaged groups risk further marginalization because of difficulties in accessing these new technologies.


The English summary can be found at: http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/news/2001/jul/digital_en.html


25.09.2002 | office@kulturdokumentation.org